Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

PEPS : Pharmaco-epidemiology for Health Products

Participants : Thomas Guyet, René Quiniou, Véronique Masson, Alexandre Termier.

The PEPS project (Pharmaco-epidemiology des Produits de Santé) is funded by ANSM (national agency for health security). The project leader is E. Oger from the clinical investigation center CIC-1414 INSERM/CHU Rennes. The other partners located in Rennes are the Institute of Research and Technology (IRT) B<>Com, EHESP and the LTSI. The project will start in january 2015 and is funded for 4 years (3.6M€).

The PEPS project has two parts: the clinical studies and a research program dedicated to the development of innovative tools for pharmaco-epidemiological studies with medico-administrative databases. The pharmaco-epidemiology is the study of the uses, the effectiveness and the effects of health products (especially drugs) for the patients in a real live context, on a large population. Using medico-administrative databases – that contains information about the reimbursement of the medication, the medical visits and the cares – is a recent approach to enable studies on large cohortes and to reduce the response time to a pharmaco-epidemiology question.

Our contribution to this project will be the proposal of pattern mining algorithms and reasoning techniques to analyze typical care pathways of specific groups of insured patients.